Full Moon in Cancer - Mercury Retrograde has started! Be sure to remind the Universe of your previous Power Wishes!

Hi, it’s Keiko. 

After the New Moon in Capricorn two weeks ago, I got a surprising number of letters!  

The New Moon in Capricorn took place in the Second House, which governs economic fortune and income, so it was the perfect time to wish for income that is in alignment with your worth.  I sincerely hope you took advantage of the Capricorn New Moon and wrote Power Wishes to that effect. 

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the upcoming Full Moon in Cancer.  The New Moon in Capricorn was all about wishes related to work, whereas Cancer, on the other hand, is all about matters concerning your personal life.  It goes without saying that when both of these areas are fulfilled, you’ll start to notice a major increase in stability in your life. 

As I pointed out two weeks ago, the lucky planet Jupiter entered Pisces in late December, and the Pisces-in-Jupiter Period is now in full swing.  When we look at the January 17th astrological chart of the Cancer Full Moon, what’s most remarkable is that Jupiter is going to be perfectly conjunct with the Ascendant, which as you know, acts as the gateway to fortune and opportunity.  This means that “love and compassion,” which are common themes of Cancer and Pisces, are going to be the key to making your wishes come true!  

Most importantly, since this Full Moon in Cancer is going to take place in the Fifth House, which represents the joy of living, you need to be happy yourself!  This is the single most important thing you need to do in order to anchor yourself with the vibration of this Full Moon in Cancer.  Be sure to use your heart rather than your head.  

If you feel a sense of contentment or a surge of emotion as you write your Power Wishes, you can be sure that your Power Wishes are close to being fulfilled.  

Also, I need to point out that Mercury went into retrograde on January 14th, so the more you make use of your right brain and activate your imagination, the more likely you are to boost the fulfillment of your wishes!  Now’s the time to rewrite any Power Wishes you have written so far, or remake Moon Collages, to remind the Universe of the content of your previous Power Wishes. 

The Full Moon in Cancer will occur on January 17th at 6:48pm EST.  Be sure to write your Power Wishes within 10 hours of this time, and if that is not possible, within 24 hours of this time.

As you prepare to write your Power Wishes for this Full Moon in Cancer, here are some questions that the Universe is asking you… 

  1. What have you attained so far with Power Wishes, and what do you hope to attain in the future? 

  2. How might you give form to your feelings and values?

  3. What Power Wishes have you been meaning to write, but haven’t been able to? 

Were you able to answer these questions without hesitation? 

If you had trouble answering any of them, I suggest that you recite the following example of a Cancer Full Moon Power Wish out loud.  

All of my family troubles have dissipated and peace has been returned.  I am grateful for the calm days.  Thank you so much!

I also recommend that you transcribe this Power Wish into your Power Wish Notebook. 

The major theme of this Full Moon in Cancer is, “maintaining your mind and body in the happiest state possible!”

Finally, please allow me to remind you about Moon Water.  Moon Water is water that you expose to the energy of the Moon for over two hours during the New Moon or Full Moon.  When you drink Moon Water you are essentially absorbing the vibration of the Universe into your body.  On the occasion of this Full Moon in Cancer I sincerely hope you’ll make Moon Water and consume it while you are writing your Power Wishes, or shortly after you have finished writing them. 

On that note, I encourage you to do everything you can to firmly anchor yourself to this Full Moon in Cancer, and make every effort to find your very own happiness!