The Pluto Retrograde
Hi, it’s Keiko!
It’s tough not being able to go out, so here’s my recommendation: Gardening.
Around this time of year, “Feeling the soil” is the ultimate fortune booster!
So if you own a garden, let’s get covered in dirt!
Garden weeds grow everywhere around this time of year, and you might end up spending an entire day picking them.
But it’s not so bad to think that you’d been planting seeds of fortune all along 😊
For those who live in apartments, try growing flowers or herbs in a planter.
Vegetables will do too!
The point is, Taurus is the season of interacting with nature.
Taurus is known for being the symbol of money, but when you think about it, the energy to generate money traces back to “the mother nature”.
Meanwhile up in the sky, there was an important event last weekend, and that is… the retrograde of Pluto.
On 26th April, Pluto began its retrograde.
I sometimes call Pluto “old man” (lol), but anyway, did you know that Pluto is also known as “the Champion of the Universe”?
Pluto is a powerful planet deserving the name “Shadow Emperor of the Solar System”.
However, due to its power being so huge, Pluto’s influence is usually seen on the entire Earth / human race rather than on an individual.
And what we need to be paying attention to from now on is other planets also beginning their retrogrades.
Mars, Venus, Saturn in May, then Mercury, Neptune in June.
That’s right, they’re all going back the way they came!
Retrograde symbolizes review and reflection.
That being said, one or two years of self-reflection is far from enough.
Ten to twenty years? Not even. We’ll need a reflection worth 250 years.
Pluto’s retrograde this time will end in about 2 months (this December), and that’s when a paradigm shift occurs from the era of the earth to the era of wind.
In other words, the era of the earth which lasted for about 250 years is coming to an end.
Meanwhile, Pluto’s period of revolution is 248 years, circa 250 years.
Yep, you guessed it right.
Pluto’s retrograde starting tomorrow is the “purification worth 250 years”.
Over the course of 6 months from now, many things will occur around the world that are beyond our imagination.
Such times call for “a mind of our own”.
However the times may shift, however the worlds change, one needs to establish a firm self.
Bear in mind that there is no magic shortcut to building a strong self.
It all leads to “Getting in sync with the Moon, and living each day in good health, filled with excitement but not stretching out too much”.
By the way, do you know why it’s so important to get in sync with the moon?
Moon is Earth’s only satellite.
Earth’s rotation is stable thanks to the existence of Moon.
So, it goes without saying that we earthlings can also find stability by synchronizing with Moon.
When we’re consumed with anxiety or shaking from uneasiness, Moon is where we should return to.
After all, Moon is the solar system’s planet-in-charge of Earth.