The Mysterious Dragon's Head and Dragon's Tail -- Fascinating points in the sky with amazing powers of influence! Part. 1
Dragon's Head and Dragon's Tail
Hi, it’s Keiko.
In today’s post I am going to share with you some exciting information about the Dragon’s Head and Dragon’s Tail. You may find the explanation to be slightly scientific at first, but be sure to read the entire post and learn all about this truly fascinating cosmic phenomenon♪
What are the Dragon’s Head and Dragon’s Tail?
What is their relationship to Solar and Lunar Eclipses
What does the Dragon’s Head signify?
The Dragon’s Head also has a huge impact on fate
What are the Dragon’s Head and Dragon’s Tail?
The Dragon’s Head and Dragon’s Tail are neither planets nor celestial bodies. In fact, they are actually intangible ‘mysterious points’ in the heavens.
The Dragon’s Head and Dragon’s Tail are the two points in the sky where the orbit of the Moon intersects with the ecliptic of the Sun.
As you can see from the above diagram, since the orbits of the Sun and the Moon are both circular, the two locations where these orbits intersect are known as follows:
The northern intersection is the Dragon’s Head (Ascending Lunar Node)
The southern intersection is the Dragon’s Tail (Descending Lunar Node)
On a horoscope, the mark which looks like a pair of headphones is the Dragon’s Head. (In some cases you will see a T written in the middle)
The Dragon’s Tail is always located 180 degrees away, on the exact opposite side of the horoscope, but it is not usually marked on the horoscope.
And because the Dragon’s Head moves in the opposite direction of the 12 Zodiac signs, last year the Dragon’s Head and Dragon’s Tail were in Cancer and Capricorn, but this year they have moved one sign backwards, so they are currently located in Gemini and Sagittarius.
What is their relationship to Solar and Lunar Eclipses?
On November 29th there was a partial lunar eclipse during the Full Moon in Gemini. And on December 14th there was a total solar eclipse during the New Moon in Sagittarius. In fact, the Dragon’s Head and Dragon’s Tail are closely associated with lunar eclipses and solar eclipses.
So, what conditions have to be met in order for there to be a solar eclipse or a lunar eclipse?
From an astrological point of view,
When a New Moon overlaps with the Dragon’s Head or Dragon’s Tail there is a Solar Eclipse
When a Full Moon overlaps with the Dragon’s Head or Dragon’s Tail there is a Lunar Eclipse
Let’s take a look at the following celestial charts. On November 29th, during the Gemini Partial Lunar Eclipse, the Dragon’s Head is located just slightly to the side of the Full Moon, so that’s why there was a partial lunar eclipse. And on December 14th, because there was only 4 degrees of separation between the New Moon and the Dragon’s Tail, it created a total solar eclipse.
November 29th 2020 Full Moon in Gemini (Partial Lunar Eclipse)
December 14th 2020 New Moon in Sagittarius (Total Solar Eclipse)
In the New Moon in Sagittarius chart, the Dragon’s Tail is circled in Pink.
What does the Dragon’s Head signify?
So what exactly does the Dragon’s Head signify when it is displayed on a horoscope? The Dragon’s Head signifies many things, but the easiest to understand is Karma. Astrologically there are three entities that signify Karma. They are: Saturn, Pluto and the Dragon’s Head.
Setting Pluto aside for the moment, Saturn signifies Karma that is unique to an individual, whereas the Dragon’s Head signifies family lineage Karma.
It’s fairly easy to comprehend that everyone’s Karma differs depending on where Saturn is located on their natal chart, but it’s not as easy to comprehend or imagine Karma related to family lineage.
However, it does become easier when you think about it this way. There are many families with several people working in the medical field, right? That’s because for generation after generation it has been the norm in that family for people to work in the field of medicine. Simply put, family lineage Karma is like the soul that has been passed down to you from your ancestors, or a certain theme that your family has been given for their time in this world.
Rather than thinking about family lineage Karma as retribution or punishment for something your ancestors did in the past, think about it as a mission or theme that has been entrusted to those of you living in the world right now.
My interpretation of the Dragon’s Head is that it’s the place where our past lives intersect with our present life. In other words, the Dragon’s Head is like a portal through which affairs that were left unfinished and other themes from our past lives come into this life.
The Dragon’s Head also has a huge impact on fate
The Dragon’s Head and Dragon’s Tail don’t just play a role in our careers, they also have a huge impact on our relationships with others.
The connections you made in your past lives flow into this life through the Dragon’s Head. It’s also very possible that the Dragon’s Head brings together people who have met in their past lives.
So for that reason, lunar and solar eclipses should be thought of as times when new connections can be made. This is particularly true for the New Moon.
Solar eclipses which happen when the New Moon overlaps with the Dragon’s Head, are when you are most likely to experience new opportunities and new encounters. For example you may encounter your soulmate at a restaurant that your friend takes you to, or something like that.
Conversely, solar eclipses which happen when the New Moon overlaps with the Dragon’s Tail, often result in the severing of unwanted ties that have existed in your life for long periods of time. This includes not only relationships, but also trauma, negative emotions, and bad habits.
So as you can see, the Dragon’s Head and Dragon’s Tail have a huge impact on our lives.
In a book that I recently published in Japan, I revealed that soulmates have actually met many times in their past lives, and that they come together in this life to work on their shared Karma.
And since the Dragon’s Head signifies past lives and relationships, it’s also a point which shows us our connection to our soulmate.
In my next post I am going to reveal even more exciting information about the relationship between the Dragon’s Head and soulmates, so be sure not to miss it!