What are the Four Seasons Charts of Astrology? - Part 2


Fortune-boosting actions for the spring equinox & the summer solstice

Hi, it’s Keiko. 

March 20th is the Astrological New Year, a very important day which marks the start of a new cosmic year.  

Including the Astrological New Year, there are four important days on the astrological calendar, which I explained about in the first article of this series, so if you haven’t already read it, you can find it here

The four days are, the Spring Equinox (Astrological New Year), the Summer Solstice, the Autumn Equinox, and the Winter Solstice.  

The astrological charts on each of these days is referred to as a ‘four seasons chart,’ and reading its energy is the key to good fortune.  In today’s article I am going to share with you the basic properties of the energy of the Astrological New Year and the summer solstice, and suggest some fortune-boosting actions that you can take on these days. 


  1. What is the significance of the timing of the Astrological New Year?

  2. What are fortune-boosting actions for the Astrological New Year?

  3. What is the significance of the timing of the Summer Solstice?

  4. What are fortune-boosting actions for the Summer Solstice? 

What is the significance of the timing of the Astrological New Year?


The Astrological New Year takes place when the Sun enters Aries, the first of the twelve zodiac signs.  So this day is the start of everything, including the New Year.  

In Japan, the school year starts in April, a couple of weeks after the Astrological New Year, so I like to compare the Astrological New Year to the start of a new school year.  Every year the Astrological New Year comes around and it’s like you get a new class and a new teacher.  It’s very much like that sense of nervousness one gets when meeting new classmates for the first time.  That’s what the significance of the timing of the Astrological New Year is like. 

What are fortune-boosting actions for the Astrological New Year? 


The Astrological New Year is an opportunity to make a fresh new start.  The fortune-boosting action you should take on this day is to clean the entryway of your home, so that new fortune can easily enter.  

The entryway is so important on the Astrological New Year.  In addition to cleaning your entryway, it’s also a good idea to decorate it with some flowers and fill the space with a lovely fragrance, such as incense, in order to welcome new fortune into your home.  

Cleaning your entryway is a great way to make a fresh start ♪

You should also be sure to check that your house number and welcome mat are not dirty.  If you have a gate or outdoor lights, be sure to clean them too.  You’ll want to make sure that your entryway is as bright as possible, so if your light bulbs are starting to flicker or dim, the Astrological New Year is a great time to replace them. 

Remember to make everything sparkling clean, so that new fortune will be eager to enter your home and make itself at home! 

What is the significance of the timing of the Summer Solstice? 


The Summer Solstice occurs when the Sun enters Cancer.  This happens around the end of June every year.  

Cancer is a sign which signifies family, parent-child relationships, and friends who are like family.  But the key theme of Cancer is ‘nurturing.’  Around the time of the Summer Solstice the temperature is high, and plants grow well, don’t they?  

The three month period following the Spring Equinox is like a warm-up period.  When you first start out you usually feel a bit sluggish, but as time goes by you start to gradually pick up the pace.  Then after a while you start to think about how to make things grow even more, or how to expand and make things even bigger, right?   That’s what the significance of the Summer Solstice timing is all about.  In other words, the Summer Solstice marks a period of growth and development. 

What are fortune-boosting actions for the Summer Solstice?


Teamwork is extremely important in the Air Era.  Cancer represents family and close friends, so if you are faced with a task, you may want to consider which of your close friends is good at that sort of task, and ask them if they wouldn’t mind giving you a hand.  Cancer also rules your private life, so those of you who have been forging ahead with your careers, should consider taking some time to focus on your personal life.  Whatever the case, the Summer Solstice is a great time to switch gears. 

At the time of the Astrological New Year, the fortune-boosting action was to clean your entryway, but at the Summer Solstice there is a different area of your home that you should focus on cleaning. 

Cancer is all about nurturing, and when it comes to nurturing yourself, nutrition is a form of nurturing, right?  The place in your house which supplies you with nutrition is none other than your kitchen. 

Summer is the time of year when there’s a lot of moisture in the air, making it easy for mold to grow, so it’s important to keep your kitchen clean at all times.  When food goes bad or oxidizes it turns into negative energy, so be sure to carefully clean your kitchen, and any other areas of your house where water circulates.  

To summarize, energy gets off to a fresh start at the Spring Equinox, and then expands and develops at the Summer Solstice…  The flow of the cosmic calendar makes sense, doesn’t it?  

In the third and final article of this series, I will explain about the energy of the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice.  Be sure to join me to find out about the fortune-boosting actions you should take on these two important days of the cosmic year ♪