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Full Moon in Taurus - Money fortune will be on a roll during the last two weeks of November! Turn your subconscious mind into a rich mind!

Hi, it’s Keiko. 

By any chance have you had a sudden inspiration over the course of the past few days?  It could have been an inspiration about anything at all, but perhaps it had something to do with a plan for your winter vacation, or an innovative idea you had at work, or maybe  it had something to do with the way you interact and communicate with your children.  

Whatever it was, be sure to leave no stone unturned with regards to this sudden inspiration.

There’s a great possibility that this inspiration will lead to money and wealth in the near future. 

That’s because Uranus, the planet of reform, is going to be very active this month.  

To be more specific, Mercury, the planet of intellect, and Mars, the planet of passion, are going to be in a stimulating alignment with Uranus, one after the other.

Without change, there can be no success.

This is a principle of the Universe. 

This month, the “spirit of change” that lies dormant within us all, is going to be stimulated over and over again, and is going to start to blossom.   I sincerely hope you’ll use your upcoming Power Wishes to make your “spirit of change” blossom to the fullest extent possible! 

On Thursday November 18th, the day before the Full Moon in Taurus, Mars is going to strongly  spur on Uranus, and some sort of “conclusion” is likely to arise as a result. 

It’s actually quite common for people to experience great turning points in their lives around the time of solar and lunar eclipses, and events that are non-ambiguous have a tendency to occur.  This time, with change-making Uranus involved, we can expect a conclusion to emerge with well-defined energy. 

Conversely, when we are forced to make a decision about something that we are still on the fence about, we should aim to make a decision that is as crystal clear as possible. 

That’s why this week, it would be much better for you to reach a conclusion or decide on your next course of action rather than just simply biding your time.

Then on November 19th there will be a Full Moon in Taurus and a partial lunar eclipse. 

Solar and lunar eclipses are special versions of New Moons and Full Moons, with increased power and scale. 

Taurus is a sign that represents valuable things, such as money, income, and values. 

The very fact that a lunar eclipse is occurring in this sign is a message that people’s sense of values are going to change dramatically.  If you are able to take advantage of this lunar eclipse, you’ll be able to rewrite your attitude towards wealth and money. 

There are many ways to use energy, depending on its vibration and values, and I sincerely hope that you’ll enjoy the energy of this Full Moon, and use it as a source of energy to create what you want in your life. 

As you prepare to write your Power Wishes for this Full Moon in Taurus, here are some questions that the Universe is asking you…

  1. When it comes to money, what do you consider to be “normal”? 

  2. What are some things that you naturally loved doing from a young age?

  3. What have you done lately that has inspired others? 

Were you able to answer these questions without hesitation?  

If you had trouble answering any of them, I suggest that you recite the following example of a Taurus Full Moon Power Wish out loud. 

The poor thoughts that have been nesting in my mind have disappeared entirely, and I already feel rich and content!  Thank you so much.

I also recommend that you transcribe this Power Wish into your Power Wish Notebook. 

The Full Moon in Taurus will occur at 3:57am EST.  Be sure to write your Power Wishes within 10 hours of this time, and if that is not possible, within 24 hours of this time. 

The major theme of this Full Moon in Taurus is, “Obtain the true rich mindset that you need to survive in the Air Era!”

On that note, I strongly encourage you to take full advantage of the energy of this Full Moon in Taurus to acquire a rich mind that will help you create exactly what you want in your life!