Full Moon in Sagittarius and Total Lunar Eclipse - Write down your most negative “assumptions” and release them!


Hi, it’s Keiko. 

The great planet Pluto, which represents the interests of the Earth Era, is in retrograde in Capricorn until September, and on Sunday May 23rd, Saturn, the ruler of the times, will also begin retrograde in Aquarius.  In spite of this tense cosmic alignment, there is going to be a total lunar eclipse on Wednesday May 26th.

Eclipses are special versions of New Moons and Full Moons, and this Full Moon is also a Super Full Moon, which means it’s going to have a huge impact on us. 

Actually, this Full Moon is highly tense, but in a positive way.  In other words, you could say that there will be heavy rain followed by the earth hardening. 

As a result of this tense situation, on an administrative level, we should expect bold measures to be employed in order to achieve a successful outcome.  And on a personal level, some major developments, such as personnel changes at work, or changes in your partnership status, such as getting divorced, married or engaged, may even occur. 

The Sagittarius Full Moon and total lunar eclipse, are part of a very powerful alignment, and I hope you will take advantage of this power to shatter the status quo.  What I’d particularly like you to be aware of are your “expired assumptions.”  Now is the time to completely let go of your negative mindset. 


In addition to the total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on Wednesday May 26th, there will also be a partial lunar eclipse on the occasion of the New Moon in Gemini on Thursday June 10th. 



These lunar and solar eclipses have been timed to give you a rock-solid new start to the Air Era.  I encourage you to take advantage of the Sagittarius Full Moon and write down and release any negative thoughts that you are prone to on a regular basis.  If you plan to do so, remember that it’s best to do so during Power Wish Time, in other words you should finish writing your Power Wishes within 24 hours of the Full Moon and New Moon, when the power of the Moon is at its fullest. 


If you are interested in discovering the most effective way to write your Power Wishes, be sure to get a copy of my book The Power Wish, which is full of concrete tips for summoning the energy of the Universe and making your dreams come true. 


The precise time of the Full Moon is Wednesday May 26th at 7:13am EST, so the most effective time to capture the power of the Sagittarius Full Moon is from Wednesday May 26th at 7:13am EST to Thursday May 27th at 7:12am EST. 


Power Wishes are a sacred time to engage with yourself at the most effective time, about once every two weeks.  Remember, life’s lucky reservations begin with those people who align their lifestyle with the New and Full Moon cycles!


Try engaging in writing Power Wishes for three months and see what beneficial changes they bring to your life.  I’m sure you’ll quickly start to feel the positive effects of this bi-weekly habit of aligning yourself with the movement of the Moon and anchoring yourself with the Universe.