Full Moon in Libra – The first Full Moon of the astrological year reveals the key mindset for 2020

The Full Moon in Libra in 2020 is also going to be a super moon

Hello, it’s Keiko. How are you all doing in the midst of this coronavirus outbreak? Working from home has quickly become the standard for many industries. This is clearly the Universe pressing the reset button—my feeling is that this is a time of deep transformation to enable each of us to stand on our own feet as we prepare for a new era.

As with the last New Moon in Aries, I wrote another Power Wish specifically to entrust the end of the coronavirus outbreak on the upcoming Full Moon in Libra. I will share it at the end of this post.

At any rate, how was the last New Moon in Aries for you? If you recall my last blog post, it was a time to...

  • Start something new

  • Leave a company in order to start your own business or to become independent

  • Overcome setbacks

  • Go forth in your chosen path with courage

  • Live an authentic life

  • Trust your intuition and live by it

  • Get the results you want in sports and exercise

Were you able to create a plan to help you kickstart the new astrological year?

The counterpart to the Aries New Moon is the upcoming Libra Full Moon. Aries and Libra form a pair as opposites. Aries is all about self identity, whereas Libra is about collaborating with others in order to establish self identity. Aries is self-driven and quick to take action on its own, whereas Libra is in charge of marriage, partnership, collaboration, and other aspects that involve joining with others to create a bigger chemistry.

Libra is a sign that is not very suited for solitary work or task.

Continuing the trend in 2019, in 2020 it will be even more important who you partner up with and who you distance yourself from. I hope you leverage the power of this upcoming Full Moon in Libra—the only Super Moon in 2020—to build your ideal partnership.

The Ascendant, the gate of fortune and opportunities, will be in Cancer this time. Considering the Full Moon in Libra will occur in the Fourth House, which is Cancer’s home base, the interplay between Cancer and Libra becomes an important theme here.

Cancer represents family and tribe, whereas Libra points to socialization and relationships extending beyond them. You may find a new core group of friends through social media or online events. 

Specifically, this Full Moon can help you…

  • Begin a new relationship

  • Make every relationship a win-win

  • Sign a contract on favorable terms

  • Get married with blessings from your families

  • A new relationship energizing your team

  • Release codependent relationships

These will be the areas where the Universe will be shining the spotlight on, making your wish more likely to come true.

A Full Moon is when all things become full, so it’s also great at releasing things.

If you feel up for it, try writing a Power Wish for the ending of the coronavirus outbreak. For example:

The latest science and technology have brought a swift end to the coronavirus outbreak, bringing back the spark of life to people all over the world. I give thanks from the bottom of my heart that we can lead a peaceful and free life full of love, joy, and hope, with the great support from the Universe. Thank you so much.

The Full Moon is a time to express thanks, so the key here is to write your wish with gratitude as if it has already come true.