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New Moon in Sagittarius (Total Solar Eclipse) - It's time to act rather than think! Organizing your closet will also bring you good fortune!

Hi, it’s Keiko. 

Can you believe it’s already December?  

In the heavens, Neptune returned to forward motion on December 1st, after about five months of being in retrograde.  In addition to Neptune returning to its home ground of Pisces, Jupiter will also move into Pisces on December 28th, marking the start of the Jupiter-in-Pisces Period.  

At the end of last year, Jupiter and Saturn came together in a Great Conjunction in Aquarius, but in a few weeks time this Great Conjunction Period will come to an end when the torch is passed to the Jupiter-in-Pisces Period. 

But, before that… 

There’s a huge event in the sky that we mustn’t forget about.

That’s the December 4th New Moon in Sagittarius and total solar eclipse! 

Solar Eclipses are special versions of New Moons, so the power of “getting started” is going to be at full throttle!

Mercury, the planet of communication, also entered Sagittarius on November 24th, so right now there’s a lot going on in Sagittarius.  

Don’t spend time thinking, act!” 

That’s the kind of message that we can expect to hear around us.   

Sagittarius is known for being a sign of adventure, and when it comes to adventure, you need to be willing to take a chance.  Yes, you have to be ready to challenge yourself in some form or another.  

Here are a few things you might want to consider… 

  • Now’s a great time to start organizing your closet and get rid of things that you haven’t been able to get rid of for a long time. 

  • If there’s someone you don’t get along well with, invite them out to lunch before the end of the year.   

  • Why not go sightseeing in an area you normally don’t visit?   

Remember that any activity that takes you out of your “safe zone,” your “comfort zone,” or your “normal area of activity,” is an adventure.  

When you want to change the first impression that people have of you, changing your hairstyle is a good idea, but I also highly recommend reviewing the contents of your closet, and reorganizing it.  I think examining the clothes you wear is a shortcut to figuring out what you need and don’t need in your life.  My friend, tidying consultant Marie Kondo, also says that when your closet is in order, your life is in order, and I totally agree with her.  (If you interested in, please check I and Marie’s conversation on YouTube!)

Right now, Saturn, the planet which brings stability, is anchored in Aquarius, and is fully supporting the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius (and on the day of the New Moon it will also be fully supporting the Moon too!) 

This will make it hard for risks to become risks. 

In other words, it’s as if we are in the midst of a highly-favorable situation where you have a lifeline or a safety rope firmly attached to you! 

Sagittarius and Aquarius are like a classic dream team, working together to make the impossible possible.  

On top of that, with the power of the Moon at its zenith thanks to the total solar eclipse, we must absolutely take full advantage of this power to fulfill our wishes and aspirations! 

As you prepare to write your Power Wishes for this New Moon in Sagittarius, here are some questions that the Universe is asking you… 

  1. What wishes do you think are too high to achieve?

  2. How do you feel when things improve after a major reversal? 

  3. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear, “Set a goal!”?

Were you able to answer these questions without hesitation? 

If you had trouble answering any of them, I suggest that you recite the following example of a Sagittarius Full Moon Power Wish out loud.  

I intend to permanently establish a consciousness at the cellular level of my body confirming that, “Wishes are supposed to come true!”

I also recommend that you transcribe this Power Wish into your Power Wish Notebook. 

The New Moon in Sagittarius will occur on December 4th at 2:43am EST.  Be sure to write your Power Wishes within 10 hours of this time, and if that is not possible, within 24 hours of this time.  

The major theme of this New Moon in Sagittarius and total solar eclipse is, “Once your goals are set, you’ll have a pilot to guide you to a new stage!” 

During this New Moon, I sincerely hope you’ll make New Moon Water and drink it while you are writing your Power Wishes, or place your Moon Water Bottle on top of your Power Wish and let it record the vibration of your Power Wish before you drink it. 

On that note, I encourage you to take full advantage of the power of this New Moon in Sagittarius and total solar eclipse to think about how you should go about attracting connections that will help upgrade your life!