Pluto - Planet of Destruction and Regeneration
Pluto - The Planet of Destruction and Regeneration
All the events happening on earth are influenced by the energy emitted from the ten celestial bodies.
If you can master these energies well, nature and fortune will be on your side, and you can draw in big chances and happy events. So let’s learn the power and significance that each celestial body has.
Today, I’ll explain about “Pluto”, the planet which has the power to bring about transformation.
Characteristics of Pluto’s Energy
1.1. Pluto’s Domains
1.2. Extreme Energy
1.3. Destruction and Regeneration Energy
1.4. Fire Energy
The Karma governed by Pluto
How to get Pluto’s Energy on Your Side
What Happens during Pluto Retrograde
How to Spend Pluto Retrograde
Tendencies of Children Born during Pluto Retrograde
Characteristics of Pluto’s Energy
Discovered in 1930, of the eight planets other than Earth, its orbit is the furthest away from the Sun*, and belongs to the group of outer planets. It takes approximately 250 years for Pluto to go around each of the twelve Moon Signs.
*There are times when Pluto is closer to the Sun than Neptune, because of its oval orbit.
The outer planets are said to bring change on a global scale. In 2006 Pluto was downgraded from a planet to a dwarf planet, so many of you may assume that its power also diminished.
But that’s not the case at all! From an astrological perspective, Pluto is the supreme ruler of the heavens who keeps the solar system in line.
Pluto is a mysterious planet, and even though it holds a lot of power, for the most part it remains asleep. Precisely because of its status as a heavyweight it doesn’t get involved in petty affairs. It tends to awaken at these times:
When it is in an aspect with other planets
When it moves from one sign to another
Another characteristic of Pluto is that it is hard to predict how its power will come out. For example, it is possible to predict in advance how Saturn will affect us, or how Neptune will bring about change, but Pluto with its deep and heavy vibration, is very much veiled in secrecy.
Naturally, the domains ruled by Pluto are all very grand themes.
Pluto’s Domains
Family lineage and genetic inheritance
Ancestors and the souls of the deceased
Death and the afterworld
People of authority
Destruction and regeneration
Magma and earthquakes
Nuclear reactors
Extreme Energy
Another characteristic of Pluto can be summed up by the statement ‘all or nothing’. Truth be told Pluto has very extreme power. Global economic booms or great depressions, and large scale movements on a national level are all said to be influenced by Pluto. When Pluto is in an aspect with other planets, it amplifies the power of that planet.
Recently Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto came together in Capricorn, so right now we are right in the middle of the Capricorn Triple Great Conjunction with Pluto amplifying the power of Jupiter and Saturn.
This Capricorn TGC is an amazing once in a lifetime event.
We should pay close attention to the Billionaire Conjunctions when Pluto and Jupiter are overlapped. When this happens, Pluto will extremely boost the development and expansion power of Jupiter and the power to give birth to billionaires of a whole another magnitude exists.
Destruction and Regeneration Energy
Taking advantage of the power of Pluto and becoming a billionaire would be amazing, but some of Plutos’ domains include destruction and death, so couldn’t we be just as easily thrown into the depths by Pluto?
While it’s true that Pluto governs destruction, just remember this one thing; destruction always comes together in a set with regeneration. From something destroyed something brand new is born.
If Neptune’s power of change is to keep the framework of the house and partially reform it, then Pluto’s power is to tear down the entire structure and build a new one from scratch.
If you think about regeneration as a part of the set, it’s a little less daunting. In fact, you should be able to enjoy the destruction and regeneration process. If you are the type of person who wants to be reborn, then Pluto is a planet you should really be conscious of.
Pluto doesn’t just bring about easy or simple ‘change’ but instead a ‘transformation’ that could make you an entirely different person!
Fire Energy
Another one of Pluto’s domains is magma, and some of you might be thinking isn’t fire one of Mars' domains? Pluto also has fire energy, but its properties are different from that of Mars.
Pluto vs Mars
Ying Fire vs Yang Fire
Magma vs Burning flames
Mental strength vs Physical strength
You could say that Mars is more like an openly passionate athlete, whereas Pluto has more of a secret inner passion.
The Karma governed by Pluto
Pluto comes alive when it is in an aspect with other planets or when it moves from one sign to another, but another time that Pluto’s influence comes out is during Scorpio (from late October to late November) since Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio.
In addition to Karma, Pluto also governs past lives, the subconscious, and family lineage, so during this time events with a connection to one’s past lives are more likely to take place. Specifically these types of events:
You develop a bond with someone who you had a relationship with in a past life
You take up something which ended in failure in your past life
You visit a place or a country where you used to live in a past life
Saturn also governs Karma, so you might be wondering how Pluto’s Karma differs from Saturn’s Karma. Saturn’s Karma is on a personal level, whereas when it comes to Pluto the Karma is on an ancestral or family lineage level.
How to get Pluto’s Energy on Your Side
Pluto’s energy is not something regular people can get on their side overnight, because unlike Mercury or Venus, which have easily understandable energy, Pluto’s energy is rather difficult to interpret.
Having said that, being decisive is a good way to gain favor with Pluto. That’s because Pluto doesn’t agree with halfway thoughts such as ‘I’m worried so I’m going to hold on to a little bit of the old method.’ If you are going to be destructive, then do so boldly and decisively!
Another piece of advice is to wear a butterfly motif. That’s because butterflies have the energy to ‘unlock new possibilities’, ‘flower after a period of preparation’, or ‘become an entirely different thing,’ which is akin to becoming a ‘different person’.
As a matter of fact, whenever I get a message from Pluto a black butterfly usually appears. Who would have thought that a cute little butterfly could be connected to such a powerful planet like Pluto?
Another way to transform your life is to take action on days when the Moon is in Scorpio. In this case the Moon will act as a mediator to help you to smoothly receive Pluto’s energy.
Finally, strengthening the power of your personal Moon sign is also very important. Even if Pluto were to disrupt global events, you are unlikely to lose sight of yourself if you have a stable axis in the form of your personal Moon sign.
What happens during Pluto Retrograde?
All eight planets except for the Sun and the Moon go through retrogrades.
In the horoscope, retrograde means that the planet cannot display its power to the fullest. Moreover, energy which was supposed to be emitted outward stays within, and this affects the terrestrial world in many ways.
Pluto’s retrograde occurs once every year, and it lasts for about five months.
Pluto’s retrograde is not as easy to perceive as Mercury retrograde, but it can be compared to ‘squeezing out pus.’ Regardless of whether this takes place on a national level or a personal level, it involves clearing the flow of negative thoughts, awareness, and problems. This is most likely to occur when Pluto goes from its normal path of motion to retrograde.
If you think of this as a type of purification then it’s not so hard to take. However, the process does involve pain, so it’s not always as welcome as it seems at first glance. Can you imagine squeezing out pus for five full months? It’s hard to imagine, but we often have a lot of excess accumulated inside of ourselves. Thankfully though, we can take comfort in the fact that when the pus has been removed our energy will return to normal.
How to Spend Pluto Retrograde
Pluto retrograde is like a period of squeezing out pus, so activities such as going to a retreat, fasting, or going to a hot spring or a spa for the weekend are all ways to purify and improve the state of your body. If that’s not possible, it’s best to use this period to build up reserve strength. During Plutos’ five month retrograde period diligently developing skills that have not yet come to the forefront, or talents that have yet to bloom, will put you in a position to seize the moment when the time comes.
When Pluto returns to its normal path of motion any energy that accumulated during the retrograde period will burst out all at once, so it’s a good time to start taking action.
Tendencies of People Born during Pluto Retrograde
What effects do we see in people who were born when Pluto was in retrograde? Due to the fact that natal charts depend on planet alignment and the position of other celestial bodies, it isn’t possible to unequivocally say, but for those people born during retrograde, the planet’s energy tends to point inward.
Here are some tendencies of people born during Pluto retrograde.
Easily feel lonely because they assume no-one understands them
Easily feel envious of others
Tend to feel like they aren’t capable of doing things
If any of these sound relevant, try:
Becoming an authority on something you enjoy by mastering the subject
Realizing that things aren’t always clearly black and white
Pluto is the most mysterious of the ten celestial bodies, but I often fondly refer to him as an old man.