An Introduction to Soulmates - Part 1

Hi, it’s Keiko. 

Do you know what soulmates are?  Perhaps you have heard the term soulmates used before but never really thought too much about it.  What is the difference between a regular romantic partner and a soulmate?  Does everyone have a soulmate?  How do you go about meeting your soulmate?  These are just some of the questions that I will answer in today’s article, and in the rest of this six part series of articles about soulmates.   


  1. Someone who was born to meet you

  2. Everyone has had past lives 

  3. What happens when you meet your soulmate?

  4. Does everyone have a soulmate? 

Someone who was born to meet you

Let’s get started by posing the question, what is the difference between a regular romantic partner and a soulmate?  

The difference is whether or not that person was destined to meet you from the time you were born.  Actually, it goes back to before you were born!  When it comes to soulmates, your lives have been scheduled to meet each other from before either of you were born.  So your soulmate is quite simply the person who was born to meet you! 

Everyone has had past lives

Have you ever heard of the term past lives?  It is thought that people’s spirits are born over and over again, and that everyone has experienced many previous past lives.  As for your soulmate, you have actually already been together many times in your various past lives, so when you meet in this life it is not the first time that you are meeting each other. 

Everyone is reborn over and over again and each time you are reborn you and your soulmate either continue working on themes that you were unable to resolve in your past lives, or you start tackling new themes together. 

The themes which you and your soulmate were unable to resolve in your past lives are known as karma, and it can be said that the reason why you are getting together again in this life is to work on your shared karma.  

Each time you are reborn, you and your soulmate work together on your karma and during each and every life your souls grow a little bit more than the last time you were together. 

What happens when you meet your soulmate? 

Meeting your soulmate and working together to grow your souls is quite romantic don’t you think?  When you meet your soulmate you will find that your life takes off in a flash, and dreams that you have had for a long time suddenly start coming true.   

For example, I know of someone with a dream of opening a small cafe who met her soulmate and opened a cafe in no time flat, and another person who wanted a job related to flowers and shortly after meeting her soulmate was able to start a new job doing flower arrangements thanks to the support of her soulmate. 

You may find it mysterious that their lives took off so rapidly after they met their soulmates, but it’s not mysterious at all!  

Meeting your soulmate is an action which follows a predetermined destiny, so therefore the Universe steps in to support those people who are following their predetermined path. 

Isn’t it wonderful that the Universe backs up the lives of people who have met their soulmates?

Does everyone have a soulmate?

I’m sure many of you must be wondering whether everyone has a soulmate or not.  It’s quite possible that you haven’t met your soulmate yet, and it’s also quite possible that you don’t know of many people who have met their soulmates either.  It’s quite understandable that you feel like that, as even I used to think that way when I was younger. 

But let me assure you, there is a soulmate for everyone ♪

Everything about your life is inscribed on your horoscope, or the astrological chart from the time you were born.  And that includes who your soulmate is, and how you will meet him or her.  I have seen countless horoscopes, and yet I have never seen a person who does not have a soulmate. 

I am sure you must be wondering, if that is the case, why is it so hard for most people to meet their soulmate?  

There are many reasons why meeting your soulmate is not an easy task, so rather than discuss them in this article I will save them for the second article in this series. 

Please be sure to read Introduction to Soulmates - Part 2 to find out why meeting your soulmate is not as easy as you think it should be.