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How to Generate a Spiral of Good Fortune - Special Advice for Each Moon Sign

Hi, it’s Keiko.

Did you know that 2021 is not only the first year of the Air Era but that it’s going to act as a “foundation of fortune” for the entire Air Era, which is going to last for the next 200 plus years?  In other words, if you are successful at generating a spiral of good fortune in 2021, you will continue to enjoy a boost of support from the Air Era in the many years to come! 

In today’s post I am going to share with you some concrete advice for each Moon sign about how to generate a spiral of good fortune in 2021, the year that will determine your fate for the duration of the Air Era. 

I sincerely hope that you will take full advantage of the blessings of the Universe and that you are successful at generating a spiral of good fortune this year.  

Without further to do, let’s get started! 


  1. Special Advice for Each Moon Sign

    1.1) Aries

    1.2) Taurus

    1.3) Gemini

    1.4) Cancer

    1.5) Leo

    1.6) Virgo

    1.7) Libra

    1.8) Scorpio

    1.9) Sagittarius 

    1.10) Capricorn

    1.11) Aquarius

    1.12) Pisces

  2. Conclusion 

Aries Moons

Things that will bring you good fortune: 

Socializing, Sociality, Collaboration 

The key to good fortune in 2021 lies in human relationships.  Even though we live in an age where individuality is respected, socializing is something that cannot be taken lightly.  In the case of Aries Moons, this tendency is especially pronounced.  You have an uncanny intuition and the ability to take action, which causes you to be a bit of a loner, but this term you need to be conscious of working together with others.  Doing so will lead to synergy beyond your expectations.  A partner will also appear. 


Taurus Moons

Things that will bring you good fortune: 

Ambition, Motivation, Career Development

Uranus, the planet of revolution, has been in Taurus since 2018, and is finally going to demonstrate its full potential in 2021.  This year work related issues are going to be front and center.  Whether you are switching to a completely different field, or whether you are being offered a position on the front stage, it looks set to be a challenge mixed with anxiety for you.  However, this new opportunity is a result of your abilities being recognized.  If you are offered a new position, be sure to immediately respond favorably.  


Gemini Moons

Things that will bring you good fortune: 

Newest Apps, Advanced Seminars, Foreign Friends

The Air Era that you have been waiting for has finally arrived!  As a Gemini Moon, you’ve always been quick to adapt, but in 2021 you will find yourself freed from years of constraint and will enjoy more freedom and increased possibilities.  If there’s one thing you need to worry about it is becoming a Jack of all trades and a master of none.  Therefore if you are able to take one thing and master it to the pro-level eventually divine winds will blow your way. 


Cancer Moons

Things that will bring you good fortune: 

Name Lists, Address Books, Reviewing your Insurance

As a Cancer Moon, who values connections with others, working remotely may have left you feeling rather sad.  However, it looks as if your interactions with others will increase significantly in 2021.  You may suddenly become friends with someone who you have been keeping at bay, or you may find yourself rekindling an old relationship.  During this period, your existing friends and acquaintances will bring good fortune, so be sure to be proactive in contacting them.  Adequate space is a must if you want to deepen your bond with the person you love. 


Leo Moons

Things that will bring you good fortune: 

Compact Case, Name Cards, Pin Brooch 

Leo Moons will be blessed with great partner fortune in 2021.  By working together with someone else you will be able to accomplish things that you could not have accomplished on your own, and achieve unexpected success.  The criteria you should use for deciding whether or not to stay together with someone is whether or not you enjoy being with them.  It’s best if your partner raises your spirits when you talk, and motivates you to work harder.   For those of you who want to get married, it looks as if a suitable candidate will appear.  There’s also a possibility that your lover may become your business partner. 


Virgo Moons

Things that will bring you good fortune: 

Organic Home Delivery, Lactic-acid Bacteria, Pedometer

In 2021 you will be forced to completely restructure your daily life.  You will need to think about establishing a lifestyle that allows you to stay in the best condition possible, in line with the changes in your body and your physical condition that come along with age.  Your ability to easily adapt to the changing times, and your stable work ethic will come in very handy 2021.  To avoid becoming overworked, have the courage to turn down jobs that you don’t feel are suitable for you. 


Libra Moons

Things that will bring you good fortune: 

Hats, One-of-a-kind Accessories, Intuition

For Libra Moons, 2021 is your year to be popular!  You excel at adapting yourself to the pace of others, but you can expect to double your fortune if you take the initiative every now and then.  If you encounter someone who you find attractive don’t hesitate to casually contact them.  A great way to boost your fortune is to appear in public, by hosting an event, or by serving as an organizer for something.  Don’t hesitate to take on such responsibilities.  You are very attractive as you are now, but this year a makeover is in order.  Choose a hairstylist of the opposite sex. 


Scorpio Moons

Things that will bring you good fortune: 

Contracts, Credit Cards, Your Parents’ Home

Scorpio Moons will see a turning point in their lives in 2021.  Since Uranus, the planet of revolution, is sitting opposite of you and is set to gain strength, you may be forced to make changes regardless of your intentions.  However, even if you feel reluctant to change, a bright future lies ahead of you.  There’s a hint that something you started out of necessity will bring you unexpected benefits, and your sources of income will increase.  There are also signs that past skills and experiences will be put to use again. 


Sagittarius Moons

Things that will bring you good fortune: 

Headphones, Online Seminars, Parks

Sagittarius Moons are poised to reap all of the benefits of the Air Era.  What’s more, in 2021 you can expect even more fortune simply by actively learning about things that interest you.  There’s a good chance that one of your classmates is a potential partner for you.   Be sure to update any skills that you have already acquired.  If you hone your public speaking and presentation skills this year, they will become a lifelong asset. 


Capricorn Moons

Things that will bring you good fortune: 

Alumni Meetings, Your Father, Visiting the Grave of an Ancestor

As the turbulent Capricorn Triple Great Conjunction Period comes to an end, what is required of you is a ‘change of mindset.’  You have a tendency to gradually aim for greatness, but in the Air Era you’ll need to focus on speed and adapting quickly.  Even if you are not totally prepared, be sure to ride the first wave that comes your way.  In 2021 it will be important to connect with family, especially your parents.  This year, your birthplace will provide a treasure trove of opportunities.  Starting a business in your hometown is also auspicious.  


Aquarius Moons

Things that will bring you good fortune: 

A Globe of the Earth, Freelancing, Hobby Gatherings 

Up until now, Aquarius Moons like yourself have been feeling somewhat uncomfortable with society and the way things were done.  Therefore it’s highly likely that you finally feel like the times have changed and are now on your side.  Thanks to the backing of the two major planets, Jupiter and Saturn, now is the perfect time to give shape to your ideas.  If there are things that you have been putting off because you were concerned about common sense and public perception, be sure to take action in 2021. 


Pisces Moons

Things that will bring you good fortune: 

Coloring Pages, Aquariums, Collection of Photos

Even though we are now in the Air Era, many Pisces Moons may still be unsure about where they stand or what direction they should take.  But there’s no need to worry.  During the approximate two month period from May to July 2021, it appears as if the Universe will provide you with some extraordinary hints.  During this period, you will be provided with a treasure trove of opportunities from information that comes your way and ideas that come to your mind.  Be sure to make a note of them all.  Someone who you establish a connection with during this time has the potential to become a romantic partner. 



In the Air Era, good fortune will come to those who hone and enhance the power of their Moon sign more than ever before. 

In the Universe, the start is the key, and thankfully there is still plenty of time remaining during this first year of the Air Era, for you to start generating a spiral of good fortune. 

When you take the first step towards a life of happiness and good fortune using the advice provided for your Moon sign, the entire Universe will back you up and become your strongest supporter!