Advice for Welcoming the Air Era
What to do in this time of transition
What to do in this time of transition
Just as Aquarius signifies ‘information transmission’, the Moon and the stars each have a symbolic meaning, and they show us the appropriate actions that we should take. Practicing those actions is the key to being happy with the support of the stars. Looking at the movement of the stars, the three days which we should be most conscious of are the three dates below. On these days be sure to take the appropriate actions, and get off to an auspicious start to the Air Era.
December 15th (Tuesday)
Study and deepen your knowledge
The Sagittarius New Moon and a total solar eclipse will take place on this day. Look into things that you have been interested in, or things that you have wanted to learn more about. Buying a book and reading it is a good idea, as is looking up information on the internet. Any genre is okay, but be sure to thoroughly deepen your knowledge about your chosen subject. The Sagittarius New Moon is also a great time to disseminate information, so be sure to post about what it is you studied or learned.
December 21st (Monday)
Transmit your dreams and ideals
This day marks reform day, or the start of the Air Era. The sign where the planets Saturn and Jupiter will enter is Aquarius, a revolutionary sign. Since Aquarius signifies ‘innovative’ and ‘slightly unusual things,’ when you post about your dreams and ideals, it’s definitely a viable option to do so in a slightly joking tone. Doing something with a person who is an Aquarius Moon, or visualizing the Universe as you meditate are also very auspicious actions.
December 29th (Tuesday)
Make a stew
This is the first Full Moon after the start of the Air Era. Since this Full Moon is taking place in Cancer, the sign which symbolizes “home,” a great fortune-boosting action is to make some home-cooked food. Spend the end of the year at home with your immediate family and socialize around your dining room table. A stew which you slowly cook for many hours is very auspicious.