What is Lunalogy? A simplified and actionable astrology based on the Moon
The moon signs are key for creating an ideal life
“Lunalogy” is a method I created for attracting good fortune through the Moon. It is a “fortune-boosting” method! Why is the Moon so important? It’s because of its gravitational pull. We all know that the rise and fall of the tide is caused by the gravity of the Moon. A lot of animals give birth on the Full Moon. The cycle of the Moon has a direct impact on our lives.
There are three elements to Lunalogy:
1st is the Power Wish. It is a powerful manifestation method that uses the New Moon and Full Moon every month. I’ve talked more about the Power Wish in the other video, as well as in my upcoming book, so be sure to check them out!
2nd is your personal Moon sign, which is the zodiac sign the Moon was positioned in when you were born. Now, what’s commonly known as your “sign” in astrology is actually your Sun sign. But in my opinion, your Moon sign is much more important because it represents your own gravity—the power to attract all things that lead to happiness, whether they’re good fortune, source of income, or soulmate.
And the 3rd is the daily Moon sign, which is the zodiac sign that the Moon is positioned in on that particular day. The Moon moves through each of the 12 zodiac signs every 2.5 days, completing a full cycle in 29.5 days. When you know the daily Moon sign and take appropriate action in how you dress, eat, live, act, see, or think, you are in sync with the rhythm of the Universe, which makes synchronicities and good fortune more accessible. When you make a habit of living according to the daily Moon sign, you naturally become successful.