Air Era

We are in Air Era according to astrology

We are in Air Era according to astrology

The Capricorn TGC (Triple Great Conjunction) period is the finale of the 250-year-long Earth Era. It is bridging us to the upcoming Air Era. 


The structure of our society will go through a fundamental shift, reshaping convention. Things that we used to take for granted will no longer be—


Working remotely, learning through online classes, attending online meetings and parties, … these are all typical lifestyles of the Air Era.


Under ordinary circumstances, this shift would have come into play towards the second half of this year, however, it has already become an everyday affair far ahead of schedule.


That said, the ahead-of-schedule part is not surprising at all. Why? Because Saturn, the history maker, is temporarily in Aquarius, which rules the Internet. 


The one responsible for this shift is Mr. Saturn entering Aquarius on March 22nd! Consider this:


Aquarius: Internet, remote working/learning

Saturn: daily life, materializing


So, what do we do?



Remote-ization isn’t the only change brought on by the transition from Earth Era to Wind Era, of course.


From here on out, we can expect to see these changes all around the world:


  • From vertical societies to horizontal societies

  • From hierarchies to networks

  • From government-centered to people-centered


Sure, these changes would take some time, since they require more of a mental shift than physical. However, they will definitely happen, sooner or later. It should be very clear now what’s going to be important for us to embrace going forward:


  • Become independent and self-sufficient, instead of relying on the government or corporation.

  • Place importance on our network, i.e. the connection we have with other people.


Independence and network are both themes of Aquarius. Now that #stayathome is our mantra, it may be the perfect time to cultivate these two areas of your life.