New Moon in Gemini - Seize the opportunity and attract useful information at the perfect time!


Hi, it’s Keiko. 

Tomorrow is the New Moon in Gemini. 

Some people think that Gemini is a light-hearted and playful sign. 

But that’s not the case at all! 

In fact, there’s no other sign that is as different from its image than Gemini is. 

Gemini actually has an extremely important role to play. 

It’s the sign that governs words, and information, and timing

Can you even begin to imagine a world without words? 

What about a world that lacks information? 

Just imagine a world with no conversations, no news, or no smartphones…

In our information society, many of us probably wouldn’t last a day without words and information. 

In fact, for many people the ability to get a hold of timely information is, in a sense, a matter of life or death. 

In the society that we live in, information, which is the domain of Gemini, is equivalent to a lifeline for many people. 

By any chance have you ever heard of either of these two expressions? 

  1. He who controls information is in control of his fortune 

  2. The true nature of fortune is timing 

The second expression is mine, but to tell you the truth, I’m not sure who came up with the first expression. 

Well actually, the first expression is more than just an expression, I’d say it’s more like common sense these days. 

At least when I was working at a large advertising agency, I heard that expression over and over again from my boss.  To the point where it became grilled into my head. 

Nevertheless, what’s important to keep in mind is that both information and timing are areas governed by Gemini. 

This is confirmation that Gemini, who always appears to be in a playful mode, really does have an important role to play in modern society.  

Having said that, the difficult thing about information is that having tons and tons of it isn’t always a good thing… 

Rumors, gossip, and other types of negative information that make other people feel bad, is nothing more than garbage, or useless negative vibrations. 

In fact, it shouldn’t even be considered as information at all. 

The common denominator of those who control their own fortune, is the ability to attract high-quality positive information at the right time, not the ability to attract that kind of garbage. 

That’s the true essence of attracting good fortune. 

In order to do that, it’s absolutely essential that you raise your own vibration and become familiar with the energy of Gemini on a daily basis. 

It’s precisely at times like these that you should use your Power Wishes to let the Universe know the type of information you want, the type of information you need, and the type of information that would be super helpful to you right now! 

As the ruler of words and communication, Gemini is the natural home ground of Power Wishes. 

Therefore it goes without saying that intentions you express as wishes on the occasion of the Gemini New Moon are more likely to reach the Universe. 

Be sure to seize this opportunity and write your Gemini Power Wishes on tomorrow’s New Moon so that you’ll be one of the lucky recipients of the right information at the right time!