An Introduction to Soulmates — Part 4

Hi, it’s Keiko. 

This is the fourth article in a series of six articles about soulmates.  In today’s article I will give you some more tips about how you can encounter your soulmate ♪ 


  1. Get used to being happy

  2. Enjoy things casually

  3. How do you express your love for the soulmate you haven’t met yet?

Get used to being happy

Another way to attract an encounter is to get used to being happy.  What exactly do I mean by “get used to being happy?”  Well, getting used to being happy means to imprint the thought “only lucky things happen to me” on your subconscious.  When you do this you gain the ability to change unlucky things into lucky things.  

Why does that happen?  Well, when you say “I’m so happy!” and express your sincere gratitude for even the littlest things, the feeling that you are lucky becomes imprinted on your subconscious.   

Also there is a Law of the Universe which dictates that ‘what you give out comes back to you,’ so making others happy is another step to take.  You have the ability to make the people around you happy simply by smiling warmly and greeting them.  It’s really quite easy to do ♡

Another important thing is to live a stable life.  Don’t let your guard down just because you are living alone.  Maintain a regular life by keeping your room clean, displaying some flowers, and burning incense or using room fragrances.  It’s people like this who are always ready to meet their soulmate, that often do so quickly.

Enjoy things casually 

Another thing to be careful about is to not get fixated on minor details. For example, there are many people who are strict about certain details and say things such as “my partner has to be a ‘_________’” but in the majority of cases your soulmate will not match any of the conditions you had envisioned about him or her.  Or perhaps I should say, once you meet your soulmate any preconceived conditions you had will end up meaning nothing at all.  So it’s really smart not to cling to any conditions. 

It would be a shame to let any encounter go to waste so if someone asks you out, don’t hesitate and give it a go.  Even when you think there is no possible way the other person could be your soulmate, unless they are really annoying it's worth pursuing.  In fact, quite often soulmates are brought around by someone else.  There are actually many cases where a friend of the person who asked you out ends up being your soulmate! 

Try actively interacting with people as much as possible.  That could be in person, or online using mediums such as social media or Zoom. 

If you want to meet your soulmate, or rather, if you want to have a lot of fun and stimulating experiences, you should casually participate in things that are of interest to you.  Of course, given the current situation, you should avoid any nonessential and non urgent get togethers. 

Oh, and I almost forgot!  The tips which I have mentioned above should always be done casually and enjoyably.  That’s because the Universe likes things that are casual and nonchalant. 

You should avoid doing things with a heavy “no matter what” attitude.  Soulmates are attracted to high and informal vibrations, so desperately praying for a romantic encounter is a little too much.  

If you are going to make a wish, then a good way to do it is to just quickly think about a scene of absolute happiness with your soulmate.  Just a flash, like you are holding down the shutter button on a camera.  Just as if you were taking a photo on your camera. 

How do you express your love for the soulmate you haven’t met yet?

So, have you figured out what to do in order to attract an encounter?  Remember to go with the flow, and feel happy as you make a casual wish ♪ 

And don’t forget, it’s important to believe in the Universe and wait.  Wait, but be active while you are waiting. 

Improve yourself, meet as many people as possible, absorb as much information as possible, and give love to everyone you meet while you wait.  And most of all enjoy the waiting process ♪

The Universe easily detects energy that is full of light.  People who are enjoying life emit light, so it becomes easier for the Universe to notice that it is time to introduce you to your soulmate. 

And you have to be sure to express your love for your soulmate, in spite of the fact that you haven’t even met him or her yet. 

Expressing your love for the soulmate that you have yet to meet is a way of accepting your true self, and loving yourself.  

Denying yourself is the same as denying your soulmate, whereas loving yourself is the greatest expression of love towards your soulmate.  

With those words in mind, be sure to love yourself, casually enjoy the dating process, and get started attracting your soulmate.

In the next article I will share with you some signs that will appear to inform you that your soulmate is about to show up.