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The Power Home: A place where fortune can grow on its own

You can turn your home into a power vortex


Did you know that fortune grows while you sleep? All forms of fortune grow while you sleep, whether it’s related to your household, work, finance, or overall luck and happiness. For a child, it’s the body that grows while sleeping, but for an adult, it’s fortune.

During the day, you “catch” fortune and opportunities by taking action or meeting people. But it’s when your conscious mind is turned off at night that you integrate them into your energy field, making them even more powerful. It is a well-known fact that our bodies metabolize while we sleep. The same goes for fortune. I’d like you to think of sleep as the time to cultivate your fortune.

So where is the place you spend time cultivating your fortune? Where do you sleep? The answer is obvious: your home! Please remember first and foremost that your home is the place to cultivate your (and your family’s) fortune. It’s so much more than the backdrop of your day-to-day life. 

The key to boosting your fortune is to create a Power Home, a place that fosters fortune growth. If you can turn your home into a Power Home, your fortune will inevitably grow on its own.

Power Home will attract greater fortune while you are sleeping

The wonderful effects of living in a Power Home 

You can make decisions quickly without mulling over things

Lucky people have one thing in common: they are quick to make decisions. They spend hardly any time mulling over things. Thinking in circles trying to make a single decision is nothing but a waste of time. To avoid that, you need to let your intuition make quick decisions—fortunately, this becomes a no-brainer when you live in a Power Home. Why? It’s because a Power Home has no negative energy to block or muddle your intuition or thinking.

You can attract fortune and opportunities with ease

Fortune and opportunities are not given to all people equally, as you probably already know. Why the inequality? It’s because the high-vibrational energy of fortune and opportunity are—or rather, can only be—attracted to energy that is of equally high vibration. In other words, once you create a high-vibrational Power Home, fortune and opportunities will be automatically drawn to you. Needless to say, you will then start attracting desirable outcomes in all areas of your life.

You can let your charm and talent fully shine

Are you aware of your own charm and talent? If you don’t even know you have charm or talent, you definitely need to live in a Power Home! Since a Power Home is developed in sync with the energy of the Moon, it quite naturally strengthens the power of your own Moon sign. This means your own ability to attract desirable outcomes will be boosted as well. Think of your Power Home as the place to transform yourself into the most confident and attractive version of you.

You can live an active and energetic life

A Power Home is a power charger in and of itself. It’s like a high-vibrational battery. Have you ever sat near a waterfall and felt all the tension and fatigue melt away from your body and mind? That’s what it’s like to live in a Power Home. When you’re feeling down and unmotivated, it will gently embrace you; when you’re taking on a new challenge, it will gather the power of the Universe to lead you to victory. A Power Home is your most reliable supporter!

Clear the fortune blocker to attract more happiness

Clear the fortune blocker, and happiness will overflow

I hope you’ve grasped the concept of a Power Home being a place that grows fortune for you. As proof, many of my friends and acquaintances have achieved breakthroughs in their lives by converting their home into a Power Home. One of them broke out of a slump. One of them changed careers and increased their income by 250%. One of them, an actress, got the lead role in an audition. One of them watched her husband start a successful business which went public. Who’s next? You, of course!

“Do I really have that kind of fortune?” you might ask. Don’t worry about that at all! All of these people were wondering the same thing in the beginning.

I’ll explain the specific techniques in detail later, but before I start, I’d like you to know the most important principle when making a Power Home: first, remove negative energy. Negative energy, simply put, is energy of low vibration. As long as there is negative energy stagnating in your home, boosting your fortune is a lost cause.

Why? Because fortune can’t grow in a low-vibrational home. Fish can’t survive in a stagnant river—it’s the same idea.

For example, dust is a form of negative energy, but it isn’t much of a problem because you can easily remove it by cleaning.

However, most negative energy is actually invisible. Because you can’t see it, you can’t tell it’s there. As a result, it keeps accumulating without you realizing it—this is the scary part about negative energy.

Negative energy, put another way, is a fortune blocker. If you feel you’re always unlucky and things never seem to get better, it may be because of the accumulated negative energy in your home.

If you can drive out the negative energy, however, then it becomes possible for high-vibrational energy to circulate and stagnant fortune to begin moving again! Once that gets going, victory is yours. You will automatically be blessed with an avalanche of fortune and opportunity!

Checklist: Bad housekeeping habits that drive luck and fortune away

  • Leave the TV on all the time

  • Leave cardboard boxes out in the open

  • Keep food or items past the expiration date

  • Keep clothes you never wear

  • Decorate with artificial or dry flowers

  • Leave shoes scattered in the entryway

  • Keep old cushion covers without replacing them

  • Leave out unused furniture or items

  • Leave out dead plants

  • Accumulate empty cans, bottles, and boxes

As harmless as these may sound, any of them can turn your home into a breeding ground of negative energy. Start creating a Power Home now!

Overview of how to create a fortune-boosting Power Home

The steps to making a Power Home follow the same principle as skincare. When you take care of the skin, you first remove the dirt with a cleanser, then apply nourishment such as toner or lotion, right?

The first step for creating a Power Home is Moon Clearing (purification). Clearing means removing the negative energy that has accumulated in the home. You can also call it cleaning, but Moon Clearing removes not only visible dirt but also dirty (negative) energy. And the power of the Moon is what makes the second part possible. By clearing a specific area of the home according to the daily Moon sign, you can banish the pesky negative energy—this is the essence of my Moon Clearing method.

How to conduct “Moon Clearing” (Purification based on the Moon’s cycle)

Moon Clearing is the most important step in making a Power Home. It’s crucial to use the daily Moon sign here. The Moon changes signs every two-and-a-half days, completing the cycle of the twelve zodiac signs in about 29.5 days. As the Moon moves from sign to sign, it beams twelve different types of energy at us. Moon Clearing leverages this cycle to purify the home. The amazing thing about daily Moon signs is that they tell us the area of the home where the Universal energy focuses on that day. When the Moon is in Aries, for example, the energy gathers in the entryway. All we need to do is to clean the area that corresponds to the daily Moon sign. Think of Moon Clearing as a purification method that follows the Universal energy.

Room Clearing

The daily Moon sign corresponds to twelve different areas of the home: entryway, kitchen, living room, floor, toilet, etc. Cleaning these corresponding areas according to the daily Moon sign is called “Room Clearing.”