Fortune Boosting Actions at Home
Fortune Boosting Actions at Home
Hi, it’s Keiko.
Fall is here and it’s getting colder day by day. Now that the days are getting shorter and shorter and the weather is becoming less favorable for outside activities I’m sure many of you will end up spending more time in the comfort of your home. Typically people spend time at home reading books, watching tv, or consuming online content, but I would like to share with you a number of different actions you can do at home that will help boost your fortune ♪
Fortune Boosting Actions for all 12 Moon Signs
Fortune Boosting Actions for each Moon Sign
2.1) Fortune Boosting Actions for Aries Moons
2.2) Fortune Boosting Actions for Taurus Moons
2.3) Fortune Boosting Actions for Gemini Moons
2.4) Fortune Boosting Actions for Cancer Moons
2.5) Fortune Boosting Actions for Leo Moons
2.6) Fortune Boosting Actions for Virgo Moons
2.7) Fortune Boosting Actions for Libra Moons
2.8) Fortune Boosting Actions for Scorpio Moons
2.9) Fortune Boosting Actions for Sagittarius Moons
2.10) Fortune Boosting Actions for Capricorn Moons
2.11) Fortune Boosting Actions for Aquarius Moons
2.12) Fortune Boosting Actions for Pisces Moons
Fortune Boosting Actions for All 12 Moon Signs
The following four actions are fortune boosting actions for people of all moon signs. You don’t have to do all of these actions everyday. Just try to do what you can when you have time.
Read classical literature (Such as Shakespeare or poetry)
Prepare some homemade root vegetable dishes
Do some simple stretching
Organize name cards that you have received from others
Fortune Boosting Actions for each Moon Sign
Now I am going to share with you some fortune boosting actions for each Moon sign. A key to keeping up these actions is to take it easy and not to push it. You should approach each of these actions with a carefree attitude and say to yourself, “today I’m going to try out this action!”
What is your Moon sign?
Find out your Moon Sign here!
Fortune Boosting Actions for Aries Moons
Come up with some original recipes
Cook a labor-intensive meal
Organize old albums
Take special care of your bust or chest
Do patchwork
Resume an old hobby or practice
Do a thorough cleaning of your kitchen (don’t forget your range hood or your exhaust fan)
Organize your cookware, kitchen utensils and cutlery
Sort through and rearrange your pantry
Fortune Boosting Actions for Taurus Moons
Redecorate your living room
Rearrange the placement of your furniture
Paint or draw something
Make a plan for your next vacation
Practice songs
Practice some magic tricks
Read a romance novel
Watch a love comedy (either a movie or a t.v. drama)
Plan a dinner party or an event
Fortune Boosting Actions for Gemini Moons
Organize your storage cabinets and drawers
Tidy up your closet and storage room
Separate necessary items from non-necessary items
Organize your computer data and files
Take special care of your hands and feet
Peel dead skin from your elbows, knees, and ankles
Learn about Chinese herbal medicine
Organize documents or receipts
Do embroidery
Fortune Boosting Actions for Cancer Moons
Try out a new hairstyle or makeup
Check to see if the clothes you own still look good on you
Do exercises to trim your waistline
Practice cooking dishes which you serve to guests
Learn about formal table setting
Work on your smile
Use a balance or stability ball
Organize your closet
Organize your accessories and makeup
Fortune Boosting Actions for Leo Moons
Practice breathing methods and meditation (mindfulness)
Thoroughly investigate something you are interested in
Read a mystery or a detective novel
Repurpose old clothing, boxes and jars
Take a long bath
Practice self-moxibustion
Make fermented foods using miso or yeast
Organize your lingerie or underwear
Thoroughly clean your bedroom
Fortune Boosting Actions for Virgo Moons
Clean your shoe storage area
Take care of your shoes
Plan your next trip
Use Google Street View and lose yourself in the spirit of travel
Read books about philosophy or religion
Start learning a foreign language
Start doing squats on a daily basis
Take up knitting
Clean your garage or balcony
Fortune Boosting Actions for Libra Moons
Dispose of cardboard boxes
Read historical novels or classical literature
Apply a clay pack
Do gardening or work with soil
Practice calligraphy
Thoroughly clean your floors
Clean carpets
Change your rugs or mats
Play board games such as chess or checkers
Fortune Boosting Actions for Scorpio Moons
Fix up your computer environment
Give video distribution a try
Study astrology
Investigate about the universe or planets
Edit your social media profile
Use a new computer software
Keep your windows sparkling clean
Polish your mirrors and glass items
Do maintenance on your air-conditioner, vacuum and washing machine
Fortune Boosting Actions for Sagittarius Moons
Do a colouring book
Have fun with scratch art
Write poetry, or read a poetry collection
Enjoy aroma blending
Read a book about spirituality
Receive a message from oracle cards
Do guided meditation
Make a footbath part of your daily routine
Do a thorough cleaning of your washroom
Fortune Boosting Actions for Capricorn Moons
Watch sports on t.v. or online
Start studying for a license you want to obtain
Clean the inside of your car
Massage your scalp
Give yourself hair treatments
Do facial expression training
Expand your repertoire of Chinese food dishes
Make a list of things you want to try your hand at
Clean the foyer of your home (walls, ceiling, lights, name plate)
Fortune Boosting Actions for Aquarius Moons
Make a slow-cooked meal
Do voice training
Practice songs
Take good care of your body
Enjoy a different aroma each day
Listen to classical music
Research different massaging methods
Clean your bath and sink
Clean your drains
Fortune Boosting Actions for Pisces Moons
Start a Twitter account or a blog
Write a novel or an essay
Write a blog post
Practice public speaking or giving presentations
Organize your bookshelves
Do a jig-saw puzzle or a crossword puzzle
Take care of your nails
Participate in a web seminar
Learn calligraphy
What did you think of these suggestions? Watching the news on television everyday can be sad and depressing, so I hope that these suggestions for boosting fortune while at home are useful for you as a change of pace and a way to take care of yourself while you are at home. Remember to take it easy and do what you can, when you can!